
25 março 2013

"How Many Cups for one Cup?"

We are very thankful for the messages received, but we need to clarify the situation and make some requests.

Do write anything before checking the facts

1) The Gonçalo de Carvalho Street, also known as "The Most Beautiful Street in the World," is not threatened by the lumbering. The trees are threatened in another part of town, but we also advocate for urban trees benefit ALL the people, not just the streets where they are planted.

2) The pictures posted on Facebook and the Blogs of people up in the trees are not people of Gonçalo de Carvalho, they are young people who prevented further cuts on February 6th. We do NOT sent them there. It was by their own initiative, when we got the informations of the cuts, we took appropriate action to dialogue with the authorities.

3) NOBODY is injured, there was no conflict and no one was arrested. Police attended only to ensure the physical integrity of young people, nothing more than that.

4) We are not starting a "Green Spring" and we do not want anything other than avoid cutting trees, which benefits only the cars, we wanto the citizens to have a good relationship among each other, we want PEACE.

5) We did not take any legal action against FIFA or against the government. It’s true that we have asked to remove the expression"Green Cup" from the 2014’s World Cup because the actions against the trees do not justify this expression. We only sent e-mails to FIFA, Brazilian’s President Cabinet, Ministry of Sports and Ministry of Environment. Only the office of the president replied so far, saying the matter was transferred to the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil.


6) We are not coordinating or directing the group"How Many Cups for one Cup?". We were invited to join and we are working as best as we can. The group "How Many Cups for one Cup?" has no formal coordination , only some members who direct it, with the objective of approving new members and support issues that must be discussed with supporters.

Stay alert, but be careful on spreading things that are not from here, which can be used by the enemies of the trees to try to discredit us.